About Me – Bárbara Quintela

(Em português)

DSc and MSc in Computational Modeling and Professor and Researcher at UFJF/Brazil. I have always being curious and eager to learn and I love reading and writing since I can remember.

I can’t picture myself doing something other than learning and sharing what I’ve learned. So, this blog was created to hold personal/professional information and also tutorials and thoughts about academic life. All the blog posts are intentionally in portuguese to spread the knowledge to lusofono people that are not fluent in english.

I would love to see more women working with Science and Technology so I started a project based on the “Digital Girls” Program in 2022 called “Digital Girls UFJF” to bring CS Unplugged and computational thinking to girls in middle school!

Research activity



“But still, like air, I’ll rise” – Maya Angelou

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